Best Supplements For Digestive Health
It's best to think twice before investing in supplements for digestive health. There are indeed natural supplements which of course are best, but some will contain non-natural ingredients. More importantly though, do you really need to buy any of these?
The term digestive health covers a wide range of things. The digestive system is big and complex, involving many parts and pieces that make it up. The intestinal tract which lies within this system is a huge topic on it's own and is responsible for many of the digestive problems and disorders we get and call label as digestive problems. It is actually said that all disease originates in the intestines.
Digestive enzymes
Perhaps the most sought after supplement for promoting better digestive health are enzyme supplements. This is not surprising because the fast food and high processed food diets most of us are on lack the enzymes our body needs for good health.
Here's the problem with buying an enzyme supplement
They won't work. Enzymes are proteins and when they are removed from their natural food or plant source to be processed and encapsulated they behave differently. Your stomach has a digestive enzyme call pepsin, it's job is to consume protein as it enters the stomach, since the enzyme supplements you ingested are protein they get destroyed right there, proving no more value.
Other supplements for digestive health
There are many that work to cleanse, relieve, flush, aid digestion, stop constipation and many others. Why not simply eat the proper foods that solve these same problems? Sure there are a few herbs that are not so easily found perhaps but most foods you will be able to get.
There is little these supplements can do that can't be gotten from fresh fruits, raw and lightly steamed vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, aloe vera juice. The other food group essential for digestive health are grains. These must be natural and unrefined. That means no bakery muffins and white bread or any white flour products as they will clog up your system.
Kiwifruit can be taken as the best supplement for digestive health, loaded with digestive enzymes, fibers, prebiotics antioxidants and much more. The most nutrient dense fruit there is - find out how to get all it's benefits in a natural supplement that will amaze you.
The best supplement for digestive health? Loaded with digestive enzymes, fibers, prebiotics antioxidants and much more. The most nutrient dense fruit there is - find out how to get all it's benefits in a natural supplement that will amaze you.
J.M. Ferreira is editor of several websites, the latest shares information based on independent, and thorough research on one of our most important subjects; digestive health.
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Perfect Digestive Health Tea
Beer is the most widely consumed alcoholic drink in the world. Tea is the most widely consumed drink in the world, second only to water. While beer does have some health benefits (some beer is a natural source of prebiotics), there are certain teas that will provide several digestive health benefits.
Tea was first used in Thailand, Burma, Assam, and China and eventually was introduced to Europeans during their East Asia trading that took place in the seventeenth century. In fact, the first book written all about the cultivation, preparation, and consumption of tea was by a Chinaman named Lu Yum in the year 780.
There's a bit of a tea revolution happening in the United States now and leading this charge is green tea because of it's associated health benefits. This trend will grow and there are already other beverage products advertising great calorie-burning benefits which incidentally are deriving the key ingredients from green tea.
Green tea benefits
Although there are many studies still being done on green tea, some have been substantiated by western scions, even thought in Asia they've used it for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. daily green tea consumption has already shown to protect against heart attacks and strokes, and obesity. This is great news considering how much trans fats we still get from many processed foods.
From acne to weight loss
Green tea helps to stimulate cleansing of your cells and can rejuvenate skin cells that are dying. There are products available claiming it can heal acne.
As a weight loss product it can speed up your metabolism and acts as an appetite suppressant as well. These are legitimate weight loss benefits since increasing metabolic rate and reducing hunger cravings are two of the most common thugs we see included in many weight loss products on the market, both in the pharmaceutical drug and natural supplement variety.
Green tea can also help detox your body of the many dangerous toxins, chemicals, and other pollutants that enter the body through food and the air.
It can help digestion and has been used for years to relief certain types of minor gastrointestinal disorders. It's antioxidants are believed to help fight cancer and help decrease inflammation inside the body which is a symptom of obesity.
Is it only green tea?
If you want to widen your choices for digestive health tea try yerba mate tea as well. This is similar in some ways as far as it's health benefits. Yerba mate also stimulates cells, but of the fat variety. It's also an excellent appetite suppressant and can increase your natural energy without the jitters and nervousness some people get with coffee.
Drink tea for increased digestive health benefits and don't forget to add the necessary digestive enzymes and dietary fibers that are also important - learn how it's done, all natural too at for information based on independent, and thorough research on one of our most important subjects; digestive health.
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PHion Balance PHion Tight-n-tuck Master Cleanse Liquid, 32-Ounce

Price: $40.81
Traditional Medicinals Organic Smooth Move Herbal Stimulant Laxative Tea, 16-Count Wrapped Tea Bags (Pack of 6)
Dr. Jensen's Guide to Better Bowel Care: A Complete Program for Tissue Cleansing through Bowel Management

175 pages, paperback
Price: $17.00
Yogi Get Regular Soothing Mint, Herbal Tea Supplement, 16-Count Tea Bags (Pack of 6)

Price: $27.00
Vibrant Health Cleanse Powder, 720-Grams, 25.4 ozs

Price: $75.99