Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Aromatherapy 101

orangesAromatherapy is a kind of pseudo-science that utilizes herbal and aromatic plant resources, branded as aroma oils, and other sweet-scented amalgams for the intent of of changing an individual's concentration, mood, cognition or as a placebo. Certain vital oils like citronella have proven germ-killing properties, but there is unmoving medical indication validating effectiveness against bacteriological, mycological, or pathological contagions. Proof for the effectiveness of aromatherapy in handling homeopathic situations remains pitiable, with an actual deficiency of training commissioning arduous scientific approaches, but some indication subsists that vital oils may have healing possibilities.

Aromatherapy might have roots in ancient times by the practice of permeated scented emollients, prepared by softening desiccated herb material in greasy lard, cooking and then sifting. Numerous such emollients are defined to compliment the beliefs of the period concerning their curative properties. In the first century, condensed essential emollients have remained as a source of remedies from the time when the development of distillation became progressive, when 11th century distillers secluded essential oils by means of vapor condensation

The notion of aromatherapy was mainly suggested by a small figure of European inventors and clinicians, in 1907. The expression primarily gave the idea in print from the French manuscript on the theme: Aromathérapie: Les Huiles Essentielles, by René-Maurice Gattefossé, a scientist in the 1930's. Aromatherapy is the handling or deterrence of illness by usage of aromatic emollients. Additional specified usages comprise discomfort and nervousness decrease, augmentation of vigor and temporary recall, relaxation, follicular care, and lessening of eczema symptoms.

Two rudimentary instruments are presented to elucidate the supposed properties. One is the impact of smell on the brain, particularly the limbic system via the olfactory matrix. The latter is the undeviating pharmacological properties of the essential oils.

While exact information of the synapse between the body and essential oils is frequently counted by therapists, the effectiveness of aromatherapy is still unverified. Nevertheless, certain pilot clinical studies of aromatherapy in arrangement with supplementary methods demonstrate optimistic results. Aromatherapy is not an antidote, but benefits the physique to discover am indigenous approach to remedy itself and recover immunity.

Emollients with homogeneous content are prerequisite to comprise a definite volume of aroma elements that ordinarily occur in the oil. But there is no ruling that the elements cannot be supplementary in man-made formula to meet the conditions set by the FCC for that oil. The laws that govern aromatherapy oil preparation are still negligent.

For more information in aromatherapy please visit http://www.lifestylelearningdirect.com.

Lifestyle Learning Direct provides the complete distance education solution by offering online and correspondence courses from The Sackville Academy, The Writing School and Lifestyle Learning Online

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alex_M_Stevens

Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 Tips For Effective Arthritis Pain Relief

Think you can't stop that arthritis pain? Great news! You can act now. Get 10 super easy and effective arthritis pain relief tips from arthritis experts and make your life with arthritis a little easier now.

Protect your joints. Don't keep your joints in the same position for a prolonged period of time. Balance your rest and work throughout the day. Use the strongest joints available for the job.

Stretch it. Stretching should be part of every arthritis patient's daily routine. A good stretch helps prevent injuries by warming up muscles and tendons which are more limber and less likely to tear. Spend at least 10 minutes each day stretching, and work each major muscle group.

Cool it down. Stop physical activity. Rest in a cool/shaded environment. Spray with a mist of cool water or wrap an ice pack or cold compress in a towel and apply it to reduce arthritis pain and swelling.

Get moving. Exercise can help reduce joint pain and stiffness and increases flexibility and muscle strength. It can also help with weight control, stress management, and make you feel better overall. The Arthritis Foundation also offers water exercise and other classes.

Get a massage. Massage therapy can relieve your pain, soothe stiff sore muscles, reduce inflammation and swelling. Make sure you use oil or cream on your fingers to make it mroe gentle. Work the area for five to ten minutes a day if possible.

Keep your weight in balance. Being overweight, even just moderately, impacts weightbearing joints and can increase the pain of arthritis. Studies have indicated that losing extra weight lowers the risk for developing osteoarthritis of the knee. Losing weight can help slow the progression of arthritis too.

Get a diagnosis. If you are experiencing symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling for more than 1 weeks, you should consider seeing your doctor and getting a diagnosis. Remember that there are more than 100 types of arthritis. It is important to get the specific diagnosis for the type of arthritis you have.

Take your medication the right way. Don't stop taking your medication just because you feel it is not working. Check with your doctor first. You need to understand that it may take several days to several months for a medication to become effective.

Look out for new options. Recently FDA has approved some new drugs for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritis diseases. If feel that the current medication doesn't work well, check with your doctor about possible new options.

Keep educating yourself. It is important to learn something new about arthritis. Find some good websites online and subscribe to their newsletter if they have it. Join one of two active online arthritis communities like forums or bulletin board. Never hesitate to see your doctors and ask questions.

Friday, June 8, 2012



How to find a well-trained acupuncturist in your area

Although acupuncture is rapidly becoming an acceptable type of alternative medicine, it may be difficult to find a quiet well-trained acupuncture physician in your area - especially if you do not currently live in or around a large metropolitan area. However, there are many tools available, you should have a difficult time finding on acupuncture specialists in the area. While you may have to drive an hour or two to find the best specialist for your needs, the trip will be worth what you will find that acupuncture can help you better fell in a way you could ever imagine .

There are a number of criteria that you consider when choosing a doctor of acupuncture, which can adapt to your needs. The first of these initiatives should be where he or she was brought up, how much training they receive, and how long they have been in practice. With something as precise as acupuncture, you want a specialist what they do, know and experience that she treats each situation safely.

Another important factor that is to check that, how clean is their business. After all, who wants to clean needles in them all back by some acupuncture specialists who are not working properly put any of their material? Ask how they clean their stores and even see if you can observe a procedure in progress for some time to get an idea of ??how good their work is getting.

Finally, you need to get an estimate on the cost of treatment. Some acupuncture treatments can be as low as $ 50 for a simple, one-time process, while others can easily amount to thousands of dollars. So before you lie for your first acupuncture treatment, make sure you see how much each specific acupuncture doctor is charging you.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Eight Myths About Acupuncture

There are a lot of myths with regards to acupuncture. Some of these are true; others are silly while the rest only have a half truth. As you read on, you will learn which ones are worth believing.

The first myth is that acupuncture is painful. This is not true because those who have tried it claimed they only experienced a tiny prick while others did not feel anything at all. There is no tissue damage when the needle is inserted into the skin or pulled out and only in very rare cases are there traces of bruising.

The second myth is that you can get hepatitis or AIDS from acupuncture. This is true only if the needles used are not sterilized. In the US, this will never happen because acupuncturists are required to use disposable needles thus you are not at risk from these two diseases.

Third, acupuncture is used to treat pain. This is only a half truth because this holistic technique has been proven to do other things such as stop a person’s addiction, lose weight and prevent certain illnesses.

Fourth, there are some who think that Asians are the only ones that can practice acupuncture. Since 1982, there are already 50 schools all across the country that teach students about this technique and become licensed acupuncturists.

This means that anyone who has the desire to learn about this ancient practice can do so and help treat patients. Just to give you an idea, there are at least 3,000 acupuncturists now working in the US.

Fifth, medical doctors do not believe in the potential of alternative medicine. This is not true because there are more doctors these days that are open to the idea that there are other ways to help patients aside from conventional medicine. In fact, some of them even recommend an acupuncturist if they know that what they have done is not effective.

Another myth is that every patient will undergo the four needle technique. This is not true and it will only be used when the specialist feels that the energy of the patient is virtually not moving as a last resort.

The seventh myth is that it is better for a medical doctor to perform acupuncture. This is wrong because the training is much different than that taught in medical school. Students who have an acupuncturist license train for 3,000 hours before they are allowed to practice this profession. So between an acupuncturist and a medical doctor, you should go with someone who has learned about this much longer.

The eighth myth is that acupuncture is only used in third world countries. This is not true because this technique originated in China more than 2000 years ago and this has spread to developed nations in Asia such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia.

Here at home, acupuncture been practiced for more than 2 decades and is legal in 30 states. In fact 22 of them, license professionals after they graduate once they pass the state board examination.

Although acupuncture has been around for a very long time, there is still a need for this form of holistic healthcare which is why this is being taught in colleges and in use today. It is painless and cost efficient and a lot of studies have shown that it is effective in treating various illnesses and preventing some of them.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Soothe Your Senses With a Relaxing Aromatherapy Session Using Camphor Oil

candlesLife has changed today as compared to what it used to be few years ago. In today's fast paced life everybody is highly ambitious. We work day and night to fulfill our ambitions and create a peaceful life for ourselves and our families. However, in this quest of earning more money and getting a relaxing life, we expose ourselves to a very stressful life. It has been proved by a number of surveys and researches that the average level of stress factor is significantly on rise in past few years. But it does not mean that no one can have a stress-free life. It is entirely how one behaves in a situation and deal with stressors.

Aromatherapy is a wonderful way to forget all your worries and relax all your senses. With so many aromatherapy spas getting flourished in every corner of the world, finding a right place for aromatherapy is not difficult. The main component that is used for several relaxing aromatherapy techniques is essential oil. Although, many aromatherapy spas use their choice of essential oil for a particular technique, you can ask them to use what suits you best. Let us have a look at usage of camphor essential oil to give you a relaxed mind and body.

Camphor oil has been used in aromatherapy since decades. In addition to its medicinal properties, This can result in creating a soothing effect by reliving conditions, such as pain, tiredness and inflammation. Being a relaxant, it can result in giving your body the most sought calming effects. A relaxing massage session using this can wash away all the stressors from your body that you may have absorbed while you are too busy working to fulfill your ambitions. However, it is advisable to use essential oil in diluted form by mixing it with carrier oils and other creams and lotions. Some carrier oils that blend well with this are cajuput, lavender, basil, Melissa and chamomile.

Basically there are three different types of camphor oil, white, brown and yellow camphor oil. Since the brown and yellow camphor oil contains safrole, they are considered as toxic for use in aromatherapy. White camphor oil is the only camphor oil to be used for aromatherapy purposes.

While it may not be possible to invest time and money in aromatherapy on a regular basis, still it is a good idea to spare some time for yourselves and enjoy a relaxing aromatherapy session with camphor oil.

Abhinav Solanki is an accredited Master Herbalist and writes about essential oil, absolutes that have many aromatherapy benefits.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Aromatherapy Essential Oils An Inheritance Well Acclaimed

candlesThe use of essential oils, which is derived from the pure essence of a plant, is not new. Though the term aromatherapy was coined only in the 1920s (by Gattefossé in 1928), people knew of aromatherapy essential oils from the prehistoric times. Starting from the Chinese to Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Persian and Indian civilizations, each have added to the science of essential oils and to aromatherapy as a whole.

Research still continues in the field of aromatherapy essential oils, with new developments being made in the field. Aromatherapy and essential oils are no longer limited to cosmetic or aromatic uses only. Many of the essential oils have been proved to have medicinal and therapeutic benefits too. Take lavender oil for instance. French chemist Gattefossé would have been unaware of the properties of lavender oil to give instant relief without any scar in cases of burn, until he burnt his hand and accidentally put his hand in the jar full of the essence of lavender. Similarly, there are a large number of essential oils that have medicinal properties. The 'tulsi' plant or Indian basil, distinct through its strong aroma and taste, is considered "the elixir of life" since it is thought to bring longevity. The use of the plant’s extracts is made to treat illnesses like headaches, inflammation, heart disease, and malaria. The essential oils derived from ‘karpoora tulsi’ have found use in the manufacture of herbal toiletry.

Essential oils are derived from almost every part of the plant. Leaves, stems, flowers, roots, etc are distilled through steam or water to result into essential oils. Consequently, aromatherapy essential oils contain the true essence of the plant. In its purest form, a few drops of essential oil can give the same results that loads of that plant would have given. This is because essential oils are available in concentrated form.

Though referred to as oil, essential oils in aromatherapy do not give that oily feeing. Except for a few oils such as patchouli, orange and lemongrass, most oils are clear and see-through.

Aromatherapy essential oils must be differentiated from the perfume or fragrance oils. While essential oils contain the purest essence of the plant, fragrance oils are made of artificially created substances as a whole or a part of it. Fragrance oils may cause allergies or other skin reaction because of the use of artificial substances; but the use of essential oils brings upon no such allergic reaction.

Aromatherapy essential oils can be used by people either through inhalation or by applying them on skin in a diluted form. When essential oils are inhaled, they enter the bloodstream and lungs directly, thus producing an instant effect on the ailment.

Applying aromatherapy essential oils on the body is good for absorption. Since essential oils are available in a concentrated form, they need to be diluted using carrier oil. Sweet almond oil, apricot kernel oil, grape seed oil, etc are blended with the essential oil; and the mixture is used on the body or the part that is afflicted. One needs to be very careful while purchasing an essential oil. Though readily available, people are not well equipped to differentiate between the good quality and poor quality essential oil. The following checklist might be helpful to all those people who are on their way shopping for aromatherapy essential oils:

• A vendor who allows you to check the essential oil is preferred more. • If the bottle containing essential oils has terms such as fragrance oils, nature identical oils; they are not essential oils. • Never buy a bottle of essential oil that seems old. It might be adulterated or just might not produce the medicinal benefits. • A clear glass bottle of essential oils allows light to come in, thus reducing its aroma therapeutic benefits. Avoid buying essential oils that are sold in clear glass bottles. • Essential oils sold in plastic bottles too must be avoided as it dissolves plastic and becomes contaminated for use.