Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days, Second Edition

Publisher of best selling diet books prefers Glickman's LOSE Craig Claiborne's
By Thomas Lipscomb
March 23, 2008
As the publisher of the number one bestselling CRAIG CLAIBORNE GOURMET DIET, I have tried both Glickman's and Claiborne's regimes, and Glickman's works far better.
I lost 20 lbs in 10 days, and made a major alteration to my permanent diet that keeps the weight off. The diet is simple, sound, easy to master and execute and it works.
Most diets are about as complicated as IRS instructions for your tax return and one can quickly find an excuse for giving up.
Following up the diet with a sigmoidoscopy to take advantage of the newly cleared intestinal tract should be the ultimate way to detect and prevent colon and intestinal cancers.
Any book this short that is this clear and this good should be in everyone's library.
Price: $16.95
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